What Is the Upside-Down Question Mark? - SpanishDict
Origins of the Upside-Down Question Mark. In the 1754, the Real Academia Española (Spanish Royal Academy) declared that a signo de apertura de interrogación (opening question mark) must be used at the beginning of all questions. In Spanish, it can be very difficult to distinguish questions from statements. For example, take a look at the ...
How do I make an upside down question mark on MS Word 2010?
2011年4月15日 · The inverted question mark is Unicode character 00BF. You can use Insert | Symbol to find and insert the symbol, or you can type 00bf and press Alt+X, but you don't have to do either because Word has a built-in keyboard shortcut for this character: Alt+Ctrl+? (that is, Alt+Ctrl+Shift+/). The inverted exclamation point is U00A1 or Alt+Ctrl+!
How to do an upside question mark on the international keyboard.
¿¿¿¿¿¿ Hold down the Alt key. With the number lock on, type in the number 168 on your number pad to the right hand side of the keyboard. Release the alt key.
java - Upside down question mark issue - Stack Overflow
2010年5月27日 · The upside-down question mark is often used when the character stored cannot be rendered by the client. So often the data in the database is fine, it is a restriction in the client. My first step would be to use the DUMP function to identify the bytes. As a first step, I'd strip out common 'known valid' characters (alphanumerics and space)
inverted question mark) character in oracle - Stack Overflow
If they actually were some sort of "smart quotes", those do have mappings in windows-1252 but there is no ISO-8859 mapping for them, so if your database charset is ISO-8859-1 and you try to insert some windows-1252 text, Oracle tries to translete from windows-1252 to ISO-8859-1 and uses chr(191) to signal an unmappable character. chr(191 ...
What's the Unicode code point for '¿'? - Stack Overflow
2012年1月17日 · A quick search on Google for "unicode for upside down question mark" led me to a Wikipedia article, which stated that . The inverted question mark (¿) corresponds to Unicode code-point 191 (U+00BF) ¿ɹoɟ buıʞooן ǝɹǝʍ noʎ ʇɐɥʍ ʇɐɥʇ sı
How to Type Spanish Accents and Letters
To get accented vowels on a Mac, hold down the Option/Alt key (⌥), and press the e key. Then, release both keys and type the letter that you want to accent. For the ñ, hold down the Option/Alt key while you press the n key, then press n again. To type an umlaut over the u, hold down the Option/Alt key while pressing the u key, then press u ...
question mark keeps turning upside down - Microsoft Community
A friend is working on a Word Doc that has a table in it. In one of the cells of that table she wants to type a Question Mark. Every time she does, it immediately turns upside down. It does not do this outside of the table. How can she fix that cell so she can type a …
oracle11g - Why inverted question marks(¿) are saving when …
2017年5月26日 · Whenever i try to save any record in oracle with hyphen in the middle of sentence then it is saving as inverted question mark in oracle. This is happening only when i execute this insert query with other queries combined …
upside down question mark insert statement - Stack Overflow
From my experiences, whenever a foreign character shows up as a question mark or box, it is most likely not encoded correctly. I don't have oracle at my disposal so I can't test this right now but when you insert into the database from .NET, try to ensure that the value is unicode encoded. –