르 꼬르동 블루는 요리 예술과 호스피탈리티 분야에서 최고의 프로그램을 제공하는 세계적 명성의 교육기관 입니다. 파리부터 서울까지 전세계 주요캠퍼스 비교! 변경된 입학전형을 비롯한 최신 입학정보를 공개합니다. 설명회에서 빠르고 정확하게 요리유학 ...
Aprenda a preparar a massa folhada perfeita, leve, crocante e cheia de sabor. Feuilletage, a técnica francesa que cria camadas finas de massa intercaladas com gordura, é ideal para receitas doces e ...
Descubra os segredos da massa choux e dos éclairs neste curso exclusivo do Le Cordon Bleu. Sob a orientação habilidosa de nossos chefs de pâtisserie, os participantes mergulharão na arte de criar ...
Le Cordon Bleu es una red de renombre mundial de instituciones de enseñanza dedicado a proveer el más alto nivel de la enseñanza culinaria y de hostelería a través de programas de clase mundial. Le ...
Here in Wellington, we are kicking off our celebrations by providing a collection of short courses and events. With our ...
As a new year sets in, Le Cordon Bleu Australia is excited to welcome new and continuing cohorts to its campuses in Melbourne ...
Le Cordon Bleu is celebrating 130 years of excellence in education this year, and to mark the occasion we are holding celebrations both locally and internationally in the company of our partners, our ...
Do you want to work in the hospitality industry but don't know where to start? If so, come and experience life on our Le Cordon Bleu Melbourne Campus by booking an in-person campus tour. As part of ...
Fundada em Paris em 1895, Le Cordon Bleu é hoje considerada a maior rede de escolas de culinária e hospitalidade do mundo com 35 institutos em 20 países e 20 mil alunos de mais de 100 nacionalidades ...
Discover Le Cordon Bleu's great selection of short cookery courses in London. Whether you want to brush up your baking skills, learn to cook delicious international cuisine or make perfect wine ...
1895 年創立于巴黎的藍帶國際被認為是世界聞名的廚藝及款待業管理學校 之一 。 藍帶在全球20個國家/地區擁有35間學校, 每年 ...
Unleash your inner cook and discover our range of cooking classes held in the evenings and on weekends. From dessert making to bread baking, there is something for every food enthusiast. Do you want ...