西雅图的一名联邦法官约翰·考夫诺尔(John Coughenour)发布了一项临时限制令,阻止该政策在全国范围内执行,有效期为14天。同时,法官将考虑是否发布长期的限制令。
The White House website is being displayed on a mobile phone, with World Health Organization seen in the background, seen in ...
2025年1月23日下午:联邦国库部长查默斯表示,工党政府不会在下次选举时增加新的税收(收听播客,了解详情)。 本期新闻要点: 工党政府表示不会增加新税收; 维州警察退出一年一度自豪游行; 墨西哥采取措施应对移民遣返; 土耳其悼念酒店大火遇难者。
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普的移民打击行动已经开始,他下达了多项行政命令以收紧边境安全,并试图终止在美国出生的人自动获得公民身份。一项旨在扩大将被驱逐出境的非法移民数量的新法案预计也将很快由特朗普总统签署成为法律,他承诺大规模驱逐出境行动已整装待发。点击图 ...
Fresh from winning the 47th edition of the Dakar Rally, Australia's Daniel 'Chucky' Sanders sits down with SBS Sport's Conor McNally to look back on a campaign that he dominated from start to finish.
A new report by the Grattan Institute has proposed significant changes to Australia's superannuation system. Listen to SBS ...
ألقت الشرطة القبض على رجل أخر مشتبه به بإشعال حريق وهجوم على كنيس يهودي في ضاحية نيوتاون يبلغ من العمر 37 عاما، كجزء من تحقيق ...
प्रकाशन अधिकारों के कारण हमारी अधिकांश सामग्री ऑस्ट्रेलिया के भीतर ही स्ट्रीम करने के लिए उपलब्ध है।.
Narayan Pradhan, who first came to Australia with his wife in 1974, initially planned to stay briefly before returning to Nepal. However, he has now spent half a century of his life here. Pradhan has ...
When a new consultant, Regus Patoff, is hired to improve the business of the app-based gaming company CompWare, employees ...
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