“Because of the enhanced and expanded tax credits, four out of five HealthCare.gov consumers could find a plan for $10 or less per month. The enhanced tax credits remain available through 2025 but are ...
Seward’s Muhammed Jobe penetrates the lane against Cloud County Wednesday in the Greenhouse. Jobe led Seward with 22 points in a 76-66 win that snapped a seven-game losing streak for the Saints and ...
Seward’s Kezia Grant-Bobb splits three Cloud defenders for a shot Wednesday in the Greenhouse in a 68-41 win. Seward will continue conference play when they host Cowley at 2 p.m. Saturday. Courtesy ...
Two members of Liberal Wrestling Club traveled to Ellis, KS for the annual Ellis Open tournament Saturday. Easton Lopez, 6U, took first place in the 37 pound bracket. He had thre pins for the day with ...