Logitech has unveiled an “all-in-one” mobile conferencing device, the Rally Board 65. The 65-inch touchscreen device can be quickly set up in Android, PC or BYOD (bring your own device) mode and is ...
Tablets are used for a variety of reasons, but they're especially perfect for note taking. These devices are a digital alternative to pen and paper, making it easier than ever for students and ...
Here’s how it works. While you might think that, between your smartphone and your laptop, phone and ereader, all your needs are covered, but the best tablets on the market offer an impressive ...
If you want a great Android tablet, you should be considering Samsung. I say that because I think Samsung makes some of the best Android tablets on the market. My team and I have reviewed so many ...
Gaming tablets offer more than just a screen for play. These devices need to juggle productivity features and entertainment options to make their prices worthwhile, all while still offering a high ...
So even if your model is currently supported, they're useful to bear in mind. Whether or not your tablet is still getting security updates, getting mobile antivirus can help keep it secure. Take a ...
Looking for a great Android tablet? We've got you covered thanks to the results of our independent lab tests. Unlike Apple, Google is happy for other brands to use its Android tablet operating system.
We recommend avoiding these at all costs, and waiting until Rockstar Games potentially provides an official mobile version of the game. Aside from this, it is common to see some players using an ...
Most of the tablets included in this guide are older-generation models, so you may have to visit third-party retailers to pick them up, but where possible, we've provided links to those retailers ...
And let's face it: you want something that will last. The best kids' tablets strike that perfect balance, offering fun while supporting learning. They're also tough enough to handle everything ...