Pune police will launch the COP-24 system by mid-February to enhance policing, reduce response time to under 5 minutes, and improve safety through data-driven patrolling.
The Shallow Underwater Buoy for Geodesy (SUBGEO) system is a research partnership between the USF School of Geosciences, the College of Marine Science, and international collaborators.
WASHINGTON — In a bold forecast about what lies ahead for the space industry, venture firm Space Capital predicts both Boeing and Airbus will divest their space divisions in 2025, marking a ...
A now-retired Orlando Police Department officer has been charged with multiple felonies after the agency uncovered a pattern of him not showing up for shifts he claimed to work, with sources at the ...
A local man has been sentenced to 10 years in prison on a series of charges. 25-year-old Daniel Lankford of Effingham pleaded guilty Thursday to theft, being a felon in possession of a firearm, and ...
The cost of living crisis, specialist shortages and inadequate Medicare funding are all factors contributing to the alarming shutdown of the fifth Cairns GP surgery in the past 12 months.
An emergency alert has been sent to millions of people in Scotland ahead of a rare red weather warning. People with compatible mobile phones living in the 22 council areas of the country expected to ...