Jane Teranes - Scripps Undergraduate Research Fellowship (JT-SURF) is a 10-week, NSF-funded summer research program. Research opportunities include both in-person, on-campus research projects as well ...
Established in 2013, The Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) develops, deploys and operates observations, models and decision support tools to deal with too much or too little ...
The Department of Scripps Institution of Oceanography offers instruction leading to Master of Science (M.S.) degrees in oceanography, marine biology, and earth sciences. The M.S. degree is for those ...
Every year, Scripps Benthic Invertebrate Collection Curator Greg Rouse and collaborators discover new species of marine life, especially during exploratory expeditions to mysterious and fascinating ...
Studying the physiology and ecology of whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals through methods ranging from molecular ecology to tracking the movements of individuals and populations using ...
Deep-sea sediment cores are vital to our understanding of the past and present oceans. They record the geological history of the ocean basins, providing evidence for changing climates, emerging ...
The Environmental Systems Program recognizes the growing demand for environmental specialists and is designed to prepare undergraduates to enter a broad spectrum of environmental careers and graduate ...
IOD distinguishes itself as scientific home for researchers working at the boundaries of traditional academic spheres, and generating growing programs in the integration of research with informatics ...