A time when the Y2K scare was in full swing, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was floating around 5,000, and the Power Mac G4 Cube was hot technology. First sold in 2000, Apple’s Power Mac G4 ...
Apple's solution was the very sleek PowerMac G4 Cube. Launched in July of 2000, the G4 Cube had all of the horsepower and the performance of the standard PowerMac G4, but it introduced a much more ...
The Mac mini has always owed a bit of its inspiration to the much-loved, oft-maligned G4 Cube and the 2024 iteration makes the homage even more pronounced. Personally, I think Apple could turn it ...
Back in 2000, Apple sold the world on sleek desktop computers that exposed their internal components for you to see. Now’s the perfect time to bring them back.
the entire board is smaller than the stock iMac G4’s hard drive. It still took plenty of cramming, with a multitude of adapters finagled and massaged to fit inside the original housing.