在2025年初,三星电子发布了其最新的折叠屏旗舰手机——Galaxy Z Fold 5。这款手机不仅在设计上延续了前几代的创新理念,还在技术性能上进行了全面提升,尤其是在音频和显示方面。Galaxy Z Fold 5的推出引发了市场的广泛关注,成为折叠屏手机领域中的一种新标杆。 Galaxy Z Fold 5配备了一块7.6英寸的动态AMOLED折叠屏,分辨率高达2208 x 1768像素,显示效 ...
To fold or not to fold, that is the question? We've got the answer with this head-to-head comparison of the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra and the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6.
How does Samsung bounce back? Here are five things the company can do to improve its folding phone lineup in 2025. The first Galaxy Fold kicked off an experiment: do customers want a taller and ...