1 shows a white-light LED in action). It is possible to generate ... of material with a smaller bandgap (InGaN/GaN), also called quantum wells. The sandwiching of a smaller-bandgap material ...
Department of Semiconductor Systems Engineering, Korea University, 145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02841, Korea ...
White LED chips in cold-, neutral-, and warm white are our specialty. Our products consist of wafer soldered technologies such as InGaN, AllnGaP and AlGaAs as well as standard absorbing substrates ...
2025年1月16日,江西兆驰半导体有限公司在国家知识产权局申请了一项名为“Micro LED外延片及其制备方法、Micro LED芯片”的专利(公开号CN119300565A),这项技术的创新有望在未来推动Micro LED显示技术的发展。Micro LED,作为一种新兴显示技术,以其超高亮度和节能特性受到业内广泛关注,特别是在低工作电流密度下的光效表现更是关键。
InGaN LED被视为目前全球最高效的光源,它们通常在低功率下工作,为了获得更亮的光,需要增加其功率。但是,提升LED的功率会使其效率降低。解决这一问题的一种方法是增加LED的面积。